Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Luxe

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:


This was not the heart-stopping touch that she had been waiting for all evening, and it didn’t help especially that his style of kissing was akin to mashing one face against another. Her whole body went slack with the disappointment.

-The Luxe by Anna Godbersen


  1. I wouldn't like that kind of kiss either!! I am absolutely in love with this cover! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. This teaser made me laugh out loud. We all know how disappointing that is!

    Have this book on my TBR, looking forward to read it (:

    You can check out my teaser here

  3. I love The Luxe series. I hope you're enjoying it.

  4. He's not very romantic! Nice tease. Here's my teaser.

  5. Not very romantic at all.

    Love the cover!


  6. Hm, that would be disappointing. I definitely wouldn't enjoy have my face mashed against someone elses. Can't wait to read these books:)

  7. How funny! :) These are always interesting.

  8. Here is my teaser and be prepared, it's dangerously explosive! Yours is terrific and not romantic at all!

  9. Nothing is worse than a bad kiss! I really have to read this series!

    Mine is here: http://booklovingmommy.blogspot.com/2010/12/teaser-tuesday-121410.html

  10. Hmmm this guy needs a lesson in 101 Passionate Kissing this Ain't. I really like the billowing effect of the girl's gown.

    Interesting and different... Mine is on the Ex Boyfriend's handbook.... a funny male version of Brigit Jones Diary.... minus the weight percentile ;P

  11. I remember this from way back when I read this book years ago. Great teaser pick.

  12. The cover, the gown, is absolutely GORGEOUS. Woo! Haha, mashing kisses. Yup, been there, done that.

    I'm gonna read LJ Smith's The Strange Power (book 1 in the Dark Visions trilogy). Its first 2 lines:

    You don't invite the local witch to parties. No matter how beautiful she is.

  13. Good teaser! Not my kind of book, really, but that's an amazing cover.

  14. Hi Emma,

    The sort of book I would use a filler between more substantial reads.

    The teaser lines were great and like just about everyone else, I love the cover art

    Yvonne www.fiction-books.biz

  15. Haha! Definitely not a perfect kiss every girl wants. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Disappointing kissing but gorgeous cover! Thank you Emma for coming over. you are my 100th follower. Yippeeee!!!!

  17. Great teaser! I'm just listening to Godberson's Bright Young Things on audiobook, and she writes with such beautiful prose.

  18. What a disappointment for her, but a great teaser for us! I will definitely look into the book.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and the follow - followed right back! :)

  19. I truly love the Luxe covers, I want those dresses :)

  20. Great teaser! I have this sitting in my TBR pile just waiting for me to get to it. I hope that you enjoy your read and thanks for stopping by!

  21. he needs to learn how to kiss a gorlgently

  22. Great teaser! but not a very good sounding kiss. My "to read" keeps growing too! (I'm so ocd I started a spreadsheet, lol)

  23. A wonderful teaser! I've bee meaning to get to this book too :)

    Thanks for dropping by...

  24. Great teaser. I love historicals and her description of a disappointing kiss is great. Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Jessica @ Laugh Love Write

  25. Great teaser! I haven't read anything by this author, but I love the dresses on her book covers.

  26. I have not yet read this series, but it's been sitting on my shelf for a while. Looking forward to it. That teaser is funny!

  27. Hey Emma! Thanks for commenting and this is such a great teaser makes me want to pick up this book today! http://unputdownablebookies.blogspot.com/2010/12/teaser-tuesday-1.html#comments

    Awesome blog btw! *follows*

  28. the book has a lovely cover--it's not the typical scene from a romance novel.

  29. haha...great teaser^^ And I love the cover of the book....so Marie Antoinette-ish =)

    thx for stopping by!


  30. Thanks for stopping by! i love the teaser! :) I'm adding this to my wishlist!

  31. Thanks for dropping by. :) Great teaser. Lovely cover.

  32. Oh, no, what thoughts that one brings up! There's nothing worse than a BAD kisser.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  33. Mashing one's face does not sound like a pleasant experience....lol

  34. Awww. That sucks! Especially with the probably anticipation leading up to it all night! :D

  35. HA! Love that part. Those are some great books.

  36. That poor girl....what a letdown to have such an awful kiss! Thanks for stopping by The Enchanted Book!

    Have a great week!


  37. Great teaser! I haven't read that one yet, but I know some of my friends have said it was very good. Thanks for sharing!

  38. Great teaser! I have this book on my towering shelves. Thanks for popping by my blog and following - I've followed back. You have a terrific blog!

  39. What a gorgeous cover! And, sadly, I've had a few kisses that were yucky, huge disappointments, so I can relate! Thanks for sharing!

  40. Awww!!!
    Hope she gets luckier :)
    Great cover there too.
    Thanks for visiting E-Volving books.

  41. Great teaser- even tho the kiss was not! And I love the cover!!

  42. Aw, sounds like a bummer of a kiss! I love the cover art, though; that dress is awesome! Thanks for stopping by!

  43. Urgh! There is nothing worse than a bad kiss! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  44. Wow, what a gorgeous cover, the kiss sounded not so great though lol.

  45. Ugh! Not a kiss I would want. Thanks for the tease.

  46. Wow what a bubble-burster. That was so funny! Is this book good? Because I've been seeing this a lot lately, and the cover is sort of attractive, so I'm hoping the story is great as well.

    Oh and thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm already done with Dash and Lily's Book of Dares and have finally posted my review.

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  47. That is a great teaser, and I LOVE the cover!
