Saturday, September 6, 2014

For Emma Michaels' full site visit

For Emma Michaels' full site visit


  1. I’d looove for you to peruse our 25 blogs;
    however, lemme first explain something:
    my solemn duty, dear, is to serve and honor you…

    I’d also love to giveth unto thee ideas
    simply because I love Trump’s humanity
    (are we sinful mortals greater than God Almighty?)
    Thots you never thot of:
    the picturesque protagonist, par excellence,
    the non-perishables, the luxurious ditzy-glitz:
    the generous, undiluted expansion of d’bizarre;
    the epic endoorphins – an open door to an
    onomatopoeia Vernacular,
    from the high-flying, barnstorming,
    toxic firewurKS from yeee-haw KS
    taking you in a completely new direction
    than where you originally planned!!
    O! the mind doth boggle, girly-whirly!!

    Why else does a moth fly FROM the night
    than to a bold, attractive candle Light??
    Don’t let His extravagant Brilliance be extinguished.
    You’re creative, yes?
    Then, fly-away with U.S. to the antidote…

    Whether you obtain morality4mortality to wiseabove
    or just glean tantalizing specimens for thy next best seller,
    you shall find in our blogs a lotta (subliminal) moxie
    which has taken this sinfull mortal yeeeeers to compile:
    I lay it ALL out for you, dear, with All-Star-Oxygems:

    Wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
    of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
    An XtraXcitinXpose with no zooillogical-expiration-date?
    An IQ much higher than K2?
    An extraordinarily, anti-establishment-victory
    with both sardonic, satirical wit Who’s savvy
    and avant-guarde-humility??
    Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed
    (with a most-excellent-detector of bull§ht):

    “Faith, hope, and love,
    the greatest of these is love –
    jump into faith…
    and you’ll VitSee with love”
    Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe (what I write);
    God believes in you.

    Meet me Upstairs, girl, where the Son never goes down
    from a super-passionate, lucrative iconoclasm where you’ll find
    of deluxe-HTTP [<- pi] opportunities for excitement BTW.

    Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big-Zaftig-House.

    PS “It is impossible that anyone should NOT receive all that they have believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when they hope great things from Me and I will always give them more than they expect”
    -our Lord Jesus to Saint Gertrude

  2. I’d looove for you to peruse our 25 blogs;
    however, lemme first explain something:
    my solemn duty, dear, is to serve and honor you…

    I’d also love to giveth unto thee ideas
    simply because I love Trump’s humanity
    (are we sinful mortals greater than God Almighty?)
    Thots you never thot of:
    the picturesque protagonist, par excellence,
    the non-perishables, the luxurious ditzy-glitz:
    the generous, undiluted expansion of d’bizarre;
    the epic endoorphins – an open door to an
    onomatopoeia Vernacular,
    from the high-flying, barnstorming,
    toxic firewurKS from yeee-haw KS
    taking you in a completely new direction
    than where you originally planned!!
    O! the mind doth boggle, girly-whirly!!

    Why else does a moth fly FROM the night
    than to a bold, attractive candle Light??
    Don’t let His extravagant Brilliance be extinguished.
    You’re creative, yes?
    Then, fly-away with U.S. to the antidote…

    Whether you obtain morality4mortality to wiseabove
    or just glean tantalizing specimens for thy next best seller,
    you shall find in our blogs a lotta (subliminal) moxie
    which has taken this sinfull mortal yeeeeers to compile:
    I lay it ALL out for you, dear, with All-Star-Oxygems:

    Wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
    of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
    An XtraXcitinXpose with no zooillogical-expiration-date?
    An IQ much higher than K2?
    An extraordinarily, anti-establishment-victory
    with both sardonic, satirical wit Who’s savvy
    and avant-guarde-humility??
    Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed
    (with a most-excellent-detector of bull§ht):

    “Faith, hope, and love,
    the greatest of these is love –
    jump into faith…
    and you’ll VitSee with love”
    Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe (what I write);
    God believes in you.

    Meet me Upstairs, girl, where the Son never goes down
    from a super-passionate, lucrative iconoclasm where you’ll find
    of deluxe-HTTP [<- pi] opportunities for excitement BTW.

    Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big-Zaftig-House.

    PS “It is impossible that anyone should NOT receive all that they have believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when they hope great things from Me and I will always give them more than they expect”
    -our Lord Jesus to Saint Gertrude

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