Thursday, June 23, 2011

Book Trailer Thursday: Lies: a Gone novel

Here comes Book Trailer Thursday!

Every Thursday we (all who wish to join and the wonderful host welcome everyone to join us in celebrating the awesomeness that is book trailers.

To participate, on a Thursday you post an entry in your blog with an embedded book trailer of your choice (note: the trailer can be fan made but please no movie trailers of book adaptations) with your thoughts and comments underneath. It can be a book you have read, want to read or have never even come across before.

My book trailer for this week is...

Lies: A Gone Novel by Michael Grant

I love this trailer. It catches your attention and is in full film. It also gives you a good idea about the plot and what you can expect which is something I enjoy. I like to know what I am getting myself into when I decide to buy a book. So I will be trying this series. I think the concept is really interesting and am looking forward to seeing if it is another winner or not!


  1. What a great trailer! Cool special effects, very eye-catching. Yes, you definitely get to know about the plot from watching this. Neat!

  2. Awesome... you always find good ones!!
